Children who grow up with mom and dad parenting together have the advantages of two different ways of responding to the world they live in. They are much more likely to complete high school, not get involved in drugs and other risky behaviors, and be ready to be productive citizens than children with absent or ineffective parents.
So what are dads particularly good at teaching their children?
Exploring with enthusiasm. Dads encourage their kids to explore their environment with excitement and curiosity and less fear.
Healthy self-confidence. Dads urge their children to expand their strength, skill, and endurance. Kids find out what they are capable of doing. Dads seldom tell their child what won’t work. They let their kids try to master a skill before stepping in to help.
Real-life consequences. Dads allow real-life consequences to teach right and wrong behavior. “If you don’t share your toys with your friend, he won’t want to play with you again.”
Bigger, better vocabulary. Dads use more ‘grown-up’ language early and challenge their kids to build their vocabulary.
Image of real manhood. Dads affirm the masculinity of their sons and show them how to use their strength and masculinity in positive ways. They show their daughters how to respond to boys and men and what to expect from them.
Kids need both a mom and dad. Dads, your input and influence in your children’s lives bring about a huge decrease in juvenile delinquency, school drop-out, and other unhealthy behavior choices. Be present and active in your kids’ lives. You make a huge difference!
Read more in: How Important is Dad?