Tantrum Tamers – Practical suggestions for ways to stop tantrums
Dr. Leman’s approach to Temper Tantrums
Baby Signing is an method to cut down on tantrums in pre-verbal children
Tantrum Tamers – Practical suggestions for ways to stop tantrums
Dr. Leman’s approach to Temper Tantrums
Baby Signing is an method to cut down on tantrums in pre-verbal children
Have you heard about baby sign language? Have you tried any signs with your baby?
I’ve been doing some research on sign language for babies and am intrigued by what I’ve read.
Babies desire to communicate their needs and wants, yet they lack the ability to do so clearly because the production of speech lags behind cognitive ability in the first months and years of life.
Speaking involves so many complicated skills. Babies must learn proper placement of the tongue, how to form the lips, to use the nasal passages, to control the vocal chords, and how to regulate their breath. All of this besides associating certain words with their meaning.
Using all her senses, your baby is investigating her world and is learning very quickly. Enjoy this time of discovery by providing a wide variety of things for her to play with. Looking intently, handling, and mouthing, banging and dropping or throwing everything within reach is your baby’s way of relating to her world. Encourage her explorations.
Using all his senses, your baby is investigating his world and is learning very quickly. Enjoy this time of discovery by providing a wide variety of things for him to play with. Looking intently, handling, and mouthing, banging and dropping or throwing everything within reach is your baby’s way of relating to his world. Encourage his explorations.