If you want teens who will talk to you, you must learn to listen to them when they are little.
Little children want to tell you what they are thinking about. It may be hard to pay attention to one of their long stories. But setting aside something else to listen fully, shows them they are important to you. Many times, I found, if I paid attention when they wanted to talk, they would be content to play on their own for longer. If I was distracted or cut them off quickly, they would get my attention by getting into mischief. Your attention means the world to them.
Knowing you will listen, builds trust so they will tell you what they are thinking as they grow older. Listen for their response to what they are talking about. Take the time to ask some questions that give you a window into their world.
The table is where we become people in a relationship. Make your table a fun place to talk, as well as eat.
Watch for more tips on raising kids who will talk to you when they are teens.