Since You Cannot be a Perfect Parent:
- Don’t even try to give your kids everything. They won’t be scarred by not having the latest and greatest stuff
- Be willing to listen to what teachers and other adults have observed about your child. From their perspective of your child, they may have solutions you cannot see.
- Acknowledge when you did it wrong and ask your kid to forgive you. You won’t lose face. You model for them how to admit when they were wrong.
- Get involved with your child’s school PTA. Be aware of what is happening in the school. Speak up about issues that affect the children. You will help not just your child, but many others.
You are Not a Perfect Parent, But:
- You do know when something is wrong with your child. Get whatever help you need for your child.
- You know what you don’t want your children to be exposed to. Set limits that protect them.
- You can choose others you want to teach your children things you cannot teach them.
- Not rescuing your child from every misstep is actually teaching them essential lessons about integrity, responsibility, and values.
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