What’s the difference between a picky eater and a problem eater?
“Picky Eaters” Will Not Starve Themselves, but Problem or Resistant Eaters Might
I spend a lot of time writing and speaking about picky eating. When I say “picky eater” I am referring to a child who has picky behaviors but can learn to eat a broader diet and change the bad habits that are negatively impacting themselves and their families. However, when it comes to feeding disorders there is a continuum of severity. And many of you have children with more severe food aversions.
Approximately two-thirds of children on the autistic spectrum have severe food aversions which can impact their growth and development. While this population of children often has feeding aversions it is in no way limited to them.
Read more at SpeechLanguageFeeding.com
Ten Nutrients Every Child Needs]
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